Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Evening walk

After our visit to Notre Dame we went on a walk along the Seine, past the pont neuf (picture to follow) accross the pont des artistes, where they, for one reason or another, have a very nice tradition of hanging padlocks on the bannisters with the names and the dates of their visit. Then past the Louvre , through the jardins des tuilleries and on to the place de la Concorde. The light was simply amazing! all three images are straight from the camera. The square one is a pano of two, so that was the only editing done on that one. I hope you'll like them for I surely do

Notre Dame de Paris

One simply can not go to Paris without taking a picture of this monument of course.
Panorama of six shots.

On the flip side

Half an hour after taking the previous picture of the Eiffel tower, the sky started getting a wee bit darker. This was the sight from the tower towards the musée de l'homme. It is of course a panorama as well, this time 21 shots went into it's creation. Oh, and no, I did not darken the sky in post-production.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

le tour, la tour? anywho...

Aaah Paris, city of light and love and ze tour Eiffel. 20 shots went into this composite, just to get the whole tower in the frame :-)I quite like the seventies postcard colour feel to it.