Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Accidental goodness

Went out tonight to shoot some more for school assignments, and came across these lamp posts in the Cinquantenaire parc. A couple of shots and some editing later this is the result.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

La Sovata

After the mountains we went to a salt water lake spa resort called Sovata. Sun was bathed, beer was drunk and food was sampled. Lovely!

Thursday, 30 August 2012


It had to happen at some point. After years of seeing it in the distance and claiming I could hike to the top if I wanted to, this year I actually did. It was a lovely but hard trek from 800 to 1800m. Well, it was for me anyway ;-). Cursing occurred on many an occasion. But I made it to the top and took some lovely pictures along the way. This particular one is a pano of 20 shots. Approx. 270°. I really like how it came out. Hope you like it as well.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Our terrace

Ste Catherine in the storm.

inside out

I did a bit of a photowalk around the block here and this is one of the results. It's a HDR rendition of the view through a very dirty window into an empty appartment in the Rue du grand hospice.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


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