I'd sent the link to this blog to a colleague of mine before the weekend and after seeing my pictures, he suggested reformatting my pictures so they might be used as wallpapers for iPhone. He runs iphonetunes.net, a site containing all possible info for this amazing little gadget which I've obviously been drewling over ever since Steve Jobs first announced it. So for today's post not one, but three picture from my steadily increasing archives which I think would make a nice wallpaper for all those iPhoners out there.
The first one, I took on a photo trip I went on with a couple of friends in Brugge, she walked by and I couldn't help but snap away :-). The second on is also in Brugge, but when I went there with Iuliana and her cousin (yes, the same one that took me fishing). The weather was quite horrible to be honest, cold and rainy. We passed over a bridge and the umbrella floated by *snap*. and the last one I took when I did the pictures for my sisters wedding. I was taking a quick break when I saw the sun hitting this nice refreshing drink so *snap* again.
Hope you like them and Robin, try them on your iPhone and I'll pass by later to see how they work on the small screen. (iPhone versions: Image 1, image 2 and image 3)
PS: if they do work nicely, I will have to do something to make them more inkeeping with the rest of the blog instead of linking to picasa, but that's for later.
PS: if they do work nicely, I will have to do something to make them more inkeeping with the rest of the blog instead of linking to picasa, but that's for later.
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