Sunday, 29 June 2008

Boerentoren goes HDR :-)

We went to Antwerp today, for some shopping. We had a very nice day of spending money, waiting by dressing rooms and taking pictures. This is an HDR of 7 exposures from one RAW base file. I'll definitely go back with my tripod to do it over properly some day :-).
The iPhone version is here.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Good times...

I was walking in the city some time ago and saw this one standing chained to a pole. It reminded me of the solex of a friend when I was 15 or so, so I just had to take the picture. :-)

Friday, 27 June 2008

Ow yummy!

This one was also taken when we went to the castle of Gaasbeek with my brother and his girlfriend. As I've said, it was in mid autumn so these guys were popping up everywhere.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008


I took this one on our stay in center parks as well. It was taken in the entrance to the topical swimming pool thingy they had there.

Monday, 23 June 2008

no title

Couldn't come up with a witty title for todays post.
I took this one some time ago on a family trip to center parks in Zeeland and going over the archives, I quite liked it. Hope you enjoy it as well :-)
The iPhone version is here.
Djeez, I'm going to have to get me one of those thingies as well, don't I? Even if only to test my wallpapers myself ;-p

Sunset over Brussels

Will you look at that! Seriously! That was the view from our balcony this evening around 1030h.
Tell me that isn't nice :-)
The iPhone version is here.

Thursday, 19 June 2008


Last Christmas, Iuliana, My father and I went to the Christmas market here in Brussels to take pictures. This is one of those pictures. For those interested, the exposure was ten seconds :-)
The iPhone version is here.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

And there she is :-)

Yup we beat Romania by 2-0! I know, "You should have given them the win..." No we shouldn't have :-) we already played with most of the top players on the bench so nah! :-) Anyway, back to the business of this blog. As I've said earlier the reason I haven't posted the last couple of days is that I was in Romania for the baptism of our godchild. I had a really great time! Lots of drink, food and dance :-). Ow yeah, this is her, isn't she gorgeous? :-)

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Sorry sorry sorry

I know! Daily is slightly different then this...
From last Thursday until yesterday morning I've been in Romania for the baptism of our godchild Dimitra-Antonia, who's totally the cutest by the way, so I haven't had the time to post then and I was way to tired to edit anything last night. I'll make it up to you guys, I promise! I've taken almost 400 pictures when I was there, mostly family type stuff but some of them will definitely make it onto here! Who knows, maybe even tonight, if Holland-Romania ends well of course ;-) We're having guests tonight to watch the game, three Romanians and a Swede so at least one of them won't kill me if we win :-). Hup Holland hup!

Tuesday, 10 June 2008


I'm in ITIL training at the moment, so I haven't had the time to edit a new picture. I've decided to post one I've done some time ago, which is also on my deviantart profile. It's my first HDR render I've done. I've composed it of nine different exposures to get this result. Hope you like the result!

Monday, 9 June 2008

Happy birthday blog :-)

Well, I managed to keep posting for a month now and must say it's not quite so difficult as I'd expected at first. As this is the first month of it's existence, I thought some fireworks would be in order, so here you are! Happy birthday blog!
The iphone version is here.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Another Norwegian scenery...

This one was take on the last trip we made to Norway. We had bad luck with the weather, it was misty the whole stay, but while that was a bit sad, it made for some very nice pictures and beautiful scenery as the mist would freeze to the trees and bushes everywhere.

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Paris, again :-)

From the same trip to Paris. In the evening, we went to Mont martre and the Sacré Coeur. We watched the sunset over Paris and I took this, among many other pictures. We really had an amazing day in this beautiful city and we will definitely be going back there!
It's a HDR rendering of five different exposures so as to get the nice details you're seeing.
The iPhone version is here.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Paris in springtime...

On May the first 2007 I took Iuliana to Paris as a surprise. We had a really great time, the weather was beautiful and we were sorry we had to leave. I took this picture while we were on the bateaubus, as it says, a bus boat. I stuck my camera out of the window and snapped. I'm happy with the result. I think the quirky angle adds to it.
Click here for the iPhone version.


Yup, this is from the same shoot I did around the corner. I've always wanted to do one of these shots from the ground level up, and although not entirely what I was aiming for as there were just too many tulips in the bed, it's pretty close. I'm quite happy with the result. Hope you like it as well!
The iPhone version is here.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Chilly sunbath

For Christmas last year, Iuliana an I went to Romania (obviously). We visited her grandmother and round about sunset I went into the garden to take some pictures. This is what I found, sitting in the last bit of sunlight in the icy cold (it was about -15°C).

Monday, 2 June 2008

Fishing in black and white

Yes, another one from my fishing trip with Mihai. This time I thought I'd try a black and white conversion. I'm pretty happy with the result, but I think it could be better. Guess I'll have to experiment some more. :-)
As this is a landscape format, I don't think it would work too well on the iPhone as it's display is portrait format. If someone does want to try it, leave me a comment and I'll post it later.

Still no bites...

And so another weekend ends. Back to the treadmill tomorrow, but not before my daily post :-)
This is another from my fishing trip with Mihai. Like I've said before, we didn't catch anything except for a stupid frog that jumped for my bait and nearly caught it. But, damn, look at those clouds :-)
The iPhone version is here.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Norway again

This one was taken on our first trip to Norway. The sun was just setting over the snow covered hills on the outskirts of Oslo.
Click here for the iPhone version.